Kona Run - 10K
Location Plymouth Michigan Start Time 6/8/2013 7:18:09 AM
Category 10K
Distance 6.30 miles Ascend 320 feet Descend -270 feet
Total Time 01:01:44 Moving 01:01:44 Stopped 00:00:00
Average Pace 00:09:48 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:07:39 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:13:50 min/mi
Calories 766.37 Average HR 158 BPM Max HR 170 BPM
Weather 46 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 45.3 °F/46.9 °F; Pressure: 1013.6 mbar; Humidity: 89.8%; Dew point: 42.9 °F; Wind Speed: 0.1 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - FR 305
Asics - Gel Nimbus 14 LE Pair 1
Notes This was the Solstice Run in prior years. They changed it to Kona Run in 2013 and continued with the tropical theme, including hula girls at the finish.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:10:14 00:10:14 00:10:14 5.9 60.23
2.00 00:20:23 00:10:09 00:10:10 5.9 50.10
3.00 00:30:21 00:09:57 00:09:58 6.0 -22.86
4.00 00:39:53 00:09:31 00:09:32 6.3 0.94
5.00 00:49:36 00:09:42 00:09:43 6.2 -26.72
6.00 00:59:12 00:09:36 00:09:36 6.2 -13.86
6.30 01:01:44 00:02:31 00:08:28 7.1 -15.37